Breaking MultiGenerational Cycles Of Dysfunction

Why Hire a Life Coach

Day 1

Is there a a pattern of dysfunction in your family? Are there behaviors that seem to repeat themselves across multigenerational life spans? Are you following the same footprints of other family members? You may be stuck because of cycles common within your family systems.

Would you ask a Chef to fix the electrical wiring in your home? Would you ask your best friend to perform surgery on you? Of course not, unless they were experts in those fields. Experts are needed when you need to fix a life problem that requires

comprehensive knowledge. Fixing life problems is my specialty.

Your life is valuable. You only get one. The average life span is about seventy years. That’s not a long time. It’s crucial that you set and achieve your goals. Our brains are literally wired with trillions of connections giving us limitless potential. Life coaching will help you build the bridge so you can cross over to the other side of potential. Your dream life is on the other side waiting for you.

You may be wondering if something is wrong with you. You may be tired, worn out, or just plain stuck. You may feel at this point in life it’s just best to accept life as is. Your inner lawyer, that little inner voice, we all have one, continues to whisper in your ear. The constant reminders from within that convince you that failure and defeat are your only options. It convinces you to be satisfied. I know you have tried in times past to overcome obstacles and setbacks. It can get exhausting, trying over and over again to reach your goals only to end up stuck and defeated time and time again.

BUT….(I know it’s not grammatically correct to start a sentence with but)it’s not your fault, well up till today it’s not your fault. Once you know better you must then decide if you’re going to do better.

You see there’s these things called paradigms. Over 90% of our behaviors are run by automatic mental maps or habits. They control our subconscious minds. Paradigms are a collection of habits and beliefs that control your results. They are mental programs that have latched on to our emotional mind. Our subconscious mind is actively running (all the time) off of old memories, fear, beliefs, and habitual behaviors.These paradigms begin at birth and follow us through childhood and crossover into adulthood. So maybe you were raised with a poverty mindset, to be satisfied to have a job, food, and shelter, maybe you’re were raised with limiting religious beliefs such as money is the root of all evil, or that God won’t allow us into heaven if we pursue wealth or success, maybe negative words have programmed your thinking such as “you are stupid” or “no one will marry you”. Unconsciously you remember words, your thoughts are born from what you allow your mind to receive. Your thoughts become things. If you think subconsciously about negative words they become reality. So no matter how intelligent you are by God’s design, your paradigms will continue to govern your behavior and stop your flow! No matter what your conscious mind desires your subconscious programming will continue to dictate your results. You must shift the negative paradigms in order to heal and rewire your mind. Your brain is a gift from God. It may be limiting your success depending what thoughts are being transferred to it from your mind. Your brain is the physical instrument of the human mind.

Now I said it isn’t your fault! You now have to decide if you want better for yourself and your family. Do you want to break the cycle of poverty, negative cycles, defeat, delay, and dysfunction off your family? Perhaps this is a multigenerational cycle that needs to be broken. It’s a psychological fact that repeated behaviors tend to show up generation after generation. Life coaching with me will provide you with strategies and techniques to break negative, repeated generational cycles. I will use proven strategies that will help you look closely at your family systems and identify generational paradigms that may have a negative impact on individual growth and advancement.

Be encouraged! There’s help but you must take the initiative to know your worth and to decide to break generational cycles of dysfunction.

Take advantage of FREE Fridays and schedule your complimentary inner healing life coaching session today!

Brooks Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC

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3 thoughts on “Breaking MultiGenerational Cycles Of Dysfunction

  1. Awesome read! I’ll definitely be sharing this with my family. One of my consistent prayers for my family is that we come out of the broken hurtful cycles that we saw and adapted. Coupled with prayer, counseling and reading like this I’ve started the journey of freeing my mind! Thank you.

  2. Hi APOSTLE Brooks. I have been stuck in a rut for about 10 to 18 years. Due to no fault of my own.
    I’m currently receiving Disability since 2001. There has been a satanic attack on me and my family. Been like this since 1998. I had a mental nervous breakdown on my job. I felt like it was a witch involved. Can you give me insight on how to overcome this?

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