The Paradigm Shift: Shifting Your Inner World

After a lifetime of attempting to fit into my perceived reality of what was considered “normal” I finally accepted my own uniqueness. We each have layers and layers of potential within us that will be realized at our own pace and time. We must allow space for mental relaxation and trust that our own unique personality will emerge and blossom. When I did this, I discovered the natural flow and beauty of self-love, self-acceptance, self-affirmation, self-value, and self-care. What I have come to learn is that there is power in working on self. For me, self is an inner discovery of security so that my own feelings of self-worth are not contingent upon someone else’s acceptance or approval of me. I want to encourage you the reader as I encourage myself. Release or at least begin to loosen the hold on your old perceptions and limiting beliefs that you have developed about yourself and others. This will help you to love both yourself and others. It will also free you from comparison and judgment of self and others. There is a freedom and personal power when we stop cloning ourselves in the image of others whom we deem as more acceptable or normal. Confidence can be born when we stop measuring ourselves against socially accepted norms and expectations. At the end of the day each of us are fundamentally okay. The more you allow these deep truths to permeate your subconscious and conscious awareness the more you will experience what it is to be born again. You will affirm your own greatness and experience personal growth and development at a pace that is aligned with your authenticity.

True happiness and success require a paradigm shift. Our theories, models, perceptions, assumptions, and frame of reference as it pertains to how we see the world must be adjusted. In order to make the necessary paradigm shifts in a real and personal way taking a look at internal mental maps is a good place to begin. Our internal mental maps either reveal true realities or our perception of them. Our experiences and beliefs are interpreted through the lens of our mental maps. We rarely question the accuracy of our perception. For some reason we assume that our perceptions must be true. Our beliefs and behaviors develop as a result of what we assume is true. We see the world, ourselves, and others as we are or how we have been conditioned to see, not based upon reality. Our interpretation of reality has much to do with our own personal experience. The more aware and in touch we are with mental maps and paradigms the more likely we are to shift them when needed. The more we realize how much we have been influenced by others the more likely we are to examine our own beliefs and world views and shift them into a more objective viewpoint. A paradigm shift occurs when we are willing and ready to break up with tradition, old patterns of behavior and thoughts, and broken systems and structures. I challenge you to shift your inner and outer paradigms as it pertains to your own worthiness and that of others. Paradigm shifts can be the catalyst for powerful change in your personal world. Our paradigms are the basis for our attitudes, how we behave, and our relationships with ourselves and others. I was willing to shift my personal view of self and others and my entire world changed for the better. Rather than attempting to change your personality to suit mainstream expectations, try changing your paradigm: your perceptions, theories, or how you see things. Recognize that your paradigm is the result of a mixture of influences from a variety of people and experiences. Detach from those influences and take a fresh look at yourself, others, and the world around you. See the good in it all. In order to experience quantum leaps in our lives we must be willing to shift our paradigms: our perspectives. Cut down the root of your beliefs and sow new seeds. Sometimes paradigm shifts happen immediately but oftentimes they happen at a more slow and intentional way. In order to see life differently how you see life must be different. You must change your paradigms in order to create massive transformation in your life. Invest in your own character development. Examine your heart for out of it flows the issues of life.

Vanessa R Brooks, CEO Brooks Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC